Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Big Wheelin' It

My memory tends to be a bit patchy but for as much as I can remember my earliest memory takes place when I was about four and a half years old in my hometown of Marlboro, MA on the street that ran in front of my house. I was playing out front of my house in the street on my Big Wheel tricycle (it wasn't a very heavily traveled street at the time) with my Papa and my mother when I decided to go to the end of the road (it was a culdesac) to see what was down there. When I got to the end I met a little girl, around the same age as me I'd guess, so I stopped my Big Wheel, to say hi or whatever a four year old does, and she ran up to me and kissed me! So, being a four year old boy I turned that Big Wheel around as fast as I could and booked it toward home, traumatized. Needless to say I no longer run from (most) girls that try to kiss me.

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